Category Archives: Generating Traffic

Using Reddit to Drive Visitors to Your Site

Reddit is a social bookmarking site that operates something like a cross between a forum and a social media site. As with either of those, it allows you to create your own profile and then share posts from around the web. And like a social media site, it lets you choose which content you want to see on the homepage when you log on. Unlike social media sites however, Reddit is not about updating people on what you’ve had for lunch but rather provides a series of […]

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Don’t Forget Forums as a Formidable Social Networking Source!

For many of us, the term ‘social media’ is practically synonymous with Facebook and Twitter. At the very least, we will tend to associate social media with analogues of these two big sites and generally we think of social networks as modern sites where you can log in and share pictures and status updates. In reality though, the web has been social long before Facebook was a twinkle in Mark Zuckerberg’s eye. When the web first exploded in popularity, people were already having discussions and debates about […]

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Using Social Networks to Drive Traffic to Your Offers

If you have a landing page or a squeeze page that is selling a product or collecting leads, then your business model will be simple: send as many people there as possible. The more people you can send to the page you just constructed – the page that has been constructed especially to convert visitors into buyers – the greater your turnover and your profit will be. Social media is a perfect tool for doing this but you need to use it correctly. Here’s how… Facebook CPA […]

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